Political science professor, Stephen Harper mentor and Alberta Wildrose party senior adviser Tom Flanagan, has been fired by the CBC after Mr. Flanagan said in a speaking engagement that viewing child porn was fine with him.

The professor, a member of the Calgary School of conservative professors at the University of Calgary, began working with Harper in the 1990s. He was an advisor to Harper until 2004. Flanagan was considered one of the most conservative members of the Reform Party under Preston Manning. He now promotes extreme right-wing views on shows such as ‘Power and Politics’, or at least he did until his firing just hours ago.

In case anyone thinks this is an isolated incident, he also admitted he’s a past member of the Man Boy Love Society but we’re confident at this site that Mr. Flanagan will not be hauled off to jail anytime soon as we all know our justice system is geared only to hunt down middle class citizens, not an influential member of the elite like Mr. Flanagan. And don't forget this character has threatened to have people assassinated in the past and still managed to maintain his mainstream credibility. In fact we believe Quebec students peaceably protesting outrageous tuition fee increases will spend more time behind bars than this bloodthirsty pervert.

Lets also not forget about Harper cabinet minister Vic Toews and his adventures in babysitting (Google it!). Interestingly, the CBC and other mainstream media have never reported on Mr. Toews’ questionable personal love life. Go figure!