Fellow Canadians, you need to withdraw your bank savings accounts now if they have excess cash in them. What’s happening in Cyprus is that the government is springing surprise laws on the public to stop them from withdrawing their own money so that they can levy a tax on the funds in the account. They are literally barring people from withdrawing their life savings. They're passing these laws to control access even if they don't decide to tax the account. So it’s too late to stop the theft of your funds once this plan is set in motion. You MUST get out now!

At any time Jim Flaherty could force one of his omnibus bills through the Commons to steal your bank account. There’s no point in waiting until the debate arises, it will already be too late. These international techniques always find their way to Canada eventually. Just look at Tasers or Corralling. If it's happening in Cyprus now, it WILL happen here eventually. This is why the federal government encourages us to save for our retirement. Once our savings gets large enough the government can then seize it and tax it leaving you with no more retirement funds. It's a con game from a pack of snake oil salesmen called the Conservative Party.

Buy gold and put it in a safety deposit box, buy property, art or other commodities that have a natural value, do not convert to cash long term (short term is okay), governments can call in cash and exchange it for new cash (withholding whatever they want in exchange) and then make the old cash worthless.

Whatever you plan to do and however you plan to deal with this crisis, get out NOW!