This site is closed and the metaphorical flags are flying at half-staff today due to the loss of one of Canada’s great talents and ambassadors of everything good about Canada, Stompin‘ Tom Connors.
Stompin’ Tom epitomized what it is to be Canadian: kind, talented, warm-hearted, good natured, with nothing more than a desire to make their fellow Canadians happy for an hour or two, the Stompin’ Toms of our nation have been slowly dwindling away, replaced with greed, corruption and soulless amorality.
Once upon a time we cared about our country and its people and Stompin Tom was in the vanguard of that better, gentler, more humane time.
Tom Connors, born in Saint John, New Brunswick, and a child of all of Canada, has passed away at the age of 77. We will always miss you.