We have to laugh at all the discussions surrounding the fact that Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper resists addressing the United Nations general assembly.
The reason why is obvious to everyone but the mainstream media....because too many nations now consider Canada a 'rogue' state and too many nations would walk out on camera while he's making his speech.
Stephen Harper is afraid to be internationally embarrassed when respectable countries such as Brasil and various Scandinavian countries, as well as many others, would publicly walk out just like they do when Iran or North Korea's leaders come to speak.
This is the shameful accomplishment of seven years of bad luck for Canada in the form of the Harper regime. We've gone from the darling of the world stage to a pariah, lumped in with the worst nations as a difficult and cantankerous troublemaker.
So Prime Minister Harper and his cronies, including the lamestream media, pretend he has other, better things to do with his time when in fact he's just a coward. All bullies are.