The National Press Gallery, an organization that claims not to be an adjunct of the Canadian Conservative Party, refused to allow an aboriginal man, Patrick Brazeau, press credentials to cover Parliament for his people. This helps to ensure that aboriginal people only get their press coverage from the whites dominated mainstream media.
Press Gallery president Daniel Thibeault said the gallery's constitution states that a member's principal occupation must be reporting on federal politics, but this is, of course, not the primary occupation of any aboriginals trying to eke out a living on reservations, survival is their principal occupation and therefore all aboriginals are effectively disqualified.
Only the wealthy white man can afford to make such a luxury his 'principal occupation' and so the system of apartheid in Canada is maintained by this bit of legalistic 'Botha-like' fiction, a fraud that the world has to react to and start a boycott of Canadian goods abroad.
This has succeeded before, it can succeed again!