A few days ago we reported on a perverted incident at the main branch of the Surrey Public Library. Well it turns out it's worse, much much worse, than we thought. A mom writes:

Dear Editor:

I was sitting in the library in the Surrey Central area (the main branch by City Hall) using the free internet and was literally on your site reading the story you wrote about children seeing naked men in the washroom as they walk past to use the little girls room when I realized my own nine year old daughter had just told me she was going to the bathroom.

I panicked and quickly went to get her and came around the corner of the womens bathroom to find a bearded male security guard peering over the stall my daughter was using in the bathroom. My daughter told me the male guard didn't even knock at the door and announce himself before going in! The male security people were actually going into the womens bathroom unannounced and even looking into the stalls!

I screamed in terror, grabbed my daughter and ran for it horrified that men would be coming into the womens bathroom where my daughter was! What in God's name is going on?

Dear readers, this is a very serious matter. This is a perversion, a degeneracy that cannot be accepted in respectable society. What a dream job for any pervert. As long as you don't have a criminal record, in other words you've never been caught being a pervert, you can get a job at this Concord Security and it's carte blanche to get all the dirty and disgusting jollies you want. And it's all nice and official with the Surrey libray staffs backing!

This foul and despicable perversion is seriously messed up and couldn't possibly be happening without the direct connivance of the Surrey Library Board. To disrespect women and children in this way is sickening, an appalling crime against decency that we've been told doesn't even occur in women's prisons. So what that means is, if you're a hard-working law-abiding women or her child you get less respect from a visit to the Surrey public library than a convict does in jail. Even ignoring the opportunities for perverts this policy entails, what kind of message does that send?

The following is a list of the names of the Surrey Library Board. Now we're not saying they're foul and dirty perverts despite the obvious perversion of this policy of allowing male security guards to go unsolicited into girls bathrooms. But they carry the can for this misguided policy and should pay the penalty with their resignations.

Seline Kutan
Michael Kendler
Karen Reid Sidhu
Greg Brown
Perbeen Mann
Dave Woods
Neelam Sahota
Stanley Chung

If you see any of them walking on the street towards your children, it might be wise to cross to the other side. Just to be on the safe side!