Middle-class citizen taxpayer Andishae Akhavan, 28, had just left a friend’s house and was bicycling home to kin and kith like any good citizen, loyal to Crown and country when the Yaletown resident, who wasn’t wearing a helmet, but was otherwise sober and civil, was arrested by Vancouver Police, put in cuffs and then punched in the face when he asked the question, “What is this for?”

Middle class citizens don’t expect to be punched in the face by their own servants, what they do expect is obedience and deference to the sanctity of the citizen in this free and civilized nation. Fortunately, thanks to a friend that happened by, the whole thing was recorded on video. And it was disgusting.

The video shows Akhavan asking a plain clothes officer, “What is this for?” The officer’s response is inaudible on the video but suddenly the servant standing behind Akhavan reaches around with his left fist and strikes Akhavan’s left cheek. He’s been left with a serious wound and possibly concussion-like symptoms as a result.

How do we deal with this? What can we as citizen electors do to stop these vicious attacks on the middle class, this war being waged against those who pay the salaries and expect deference and respect?

Throw out incumbents, at all levels of government and, especially in this type of incident, local city government. Forget politics, forget the left vs. right nonsense, just vote for whoever is not the incumbent in every election until these politicians finally understand to control their lapdog thugs or be tossed out of office.

When canvassers come knocking for your vote and the canvasser represents an incumbent make it clear to them that you will not be supporting their candidate and make it clear why. They’ll shovel a lot of bs about not being able to do anything in which case you just explain to them that that is why you’re electing someone who will. Anyone. Doesn’t matter who as long as it’s not the incumbent. And when they fail throw them out as well.

Eventually even the stupidest of politicians will understand that if they want a career in politics and not just be a one-term wonder, they’ll stop the violence against us. And start providing some justice for us.