There’s now a series of despicable attack ads on television from the  Neo-Con Servitude Party of Canada (yes that’s right, Harper and his gang) attacking new federal Liberal leader Justin Trudeau for, of all things, aiding and abetting a charity.

He offered himself as prize of a free lunch in order to help the Canadian Liver Foundation raise money to fight liver disease, a disease that may one day kill your granny, your gramps, your children, any of your loved ones. He, Justin Trudeau, wants to stop that from occurring.

Apparently, in Harper and his confederates twisted minds, helping this charity, performing good works as Jesus would call it, makes one ‘unfit’ for the role of Prime Minister.

In what way, we ask?

Because Justin Trudeau isn’t evil enough to qualify in their warped paradigm of Dispensationalism and the 1000 year reign of Satan?

Because anyone who would help charity would probably also help our brave and heroic soldiers unlike Harper and his cuts to soldiers medicine and pensions?

Because he’s just not the type to throw half a million Canadians and their young families out of work and give their jobs to temporary foreign workers like Harper and his goons?

We need more kindness and charity in this world, not less. As soon as we can lets elect a good and charitable government and send Harper and his neo-con loonies off into the wilderness where they can rant and drool spastically amongst themselves where we can’t see or hear them.