Eleven women and girls who were raped, gang-raped or violently molested in the Papua New Guinea Highlands have reached an out-of-court settlement with Barrick, the world's biggest gold miner, having refused to accept the "insulting" compensation paid to 120 fellow victims of the company's security guards.
"It would be like accepting lollies as compensation," one of the 11 told Fairfax Media. Identified only as Jane Doe 10, she was 14 when she and two teenage friends were raped in 2010 at the Porgera mine, owned by the Barrick Gold Corporation.
The Porgera community says security guards and mobile police at the mine have raped more than 200 women and girls over the past two decades. It says men and boys have been beaten, shot and killed for entering the open pit or tailings dumps or going near the mine's property.
In other Barrick news, John Baird, most recently a high-ranking minister in the Harper government, has decided that this is the company for him and has hired on as an 'advisor' to help the multi-national greedmongers in their global endeavours.
"I'm really just into it for the special perks", exclaims the portly ex-minister from Satan.
In case you wonder if he's qualified for the job, we would remind you that he has a lot of experience, he's cut his eye-teeth in the Harper government learning how to screw the public without their consent. He's a real pro!