It's with a great deal of uproarious laughter that we read about the growing 'scandal' in Surrey regarding Surrey First jacking everyone's taxes sky-high after getting themselves re-elected on a platform of fiscal prudence, a platform noted only for its absence of reference to raising taxes.

What did you expect, residents of Surrey? You elected these vermin purposely because they were mean and nasty villains, human garbage who showed their colours by taking Thanksgiving meals from poor people. You got to read all about it in 24 Hours just last October. It's the belief of a lot of analysts that it was this very act of monstrous mistreatment of the weakest and poorest members of our society that pushed Surrey First and Linda Hepner over the top in the polls.

Did you think that you were somehow immune to being treated the same? Did you not understand that the kinds of minds that knock a Thanksgiving sandwich out of a hungry child's hand are the same kinds of minds that would pull a dirty election trick to get elected, then take food from your own children's hands with massive tax increases? Did you think that they care about you and yours any more than they care about the weak and the lame?

Organizations such as Surrey First and its supporters and thralls are the foulest demons that inhabit the lowest levels of hell. They come to the surface to commit acts of evil and they do it laughingly in your names. And you get in bed with them willingly. You support them precisely because they are evil.

What price to your eternal soul will this cost you, dear Surrey ratepayers? Let alone the cost to your wallets.